Coaching you through how to become who you want to be and build a mindset that supports you
in 12 weeks
with the support, coaching and road map you need to heal your past and transform who you believe you are.
If you’re a stay at home mom, working mom or woman
feeling the weight of your own negativity and shame keeping you from being who you want to be,
than you must be ready to walk the path of self-discovery and healing. Ready to build the skills and tools you need to know who you are and build a mindset that supports you.
You are feeling the weight of your negative mindset keeping you from being intentional and present in your day-to-day life. Then you end up feeling ashamed that you are not being gentle and present like you want to be and the feeling of shame leads to more negative behaviors and actions of numbing like scrolling your phone, yelling or over-consuming.
You are at the point of needing to completely uproot the shaming talk you have believed for so long. You are searching for the right environment, road map and person with real life experience to coach and guide you through this entirely new journey and way of thinking.
You are doing the best you can and you are in search of a positive environment to put all of this heavy baggage down so you can take full ownership of yourself in your daily life and finally overcome the shame and negative mindset keeping you from your ordinary joy each day.
If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. Let me share all of the details and help you feel confident in your decision to work on yourself.

By the end of this program,
you will have…
Complete clarity in who you are.
You are not your roles, thoughts or feelings, and its time to discover who you are as a conscious being. Identity is your freedom! -
The skills and tools to build a mindset that supports you.
Can you imagine how much your daily life would change and how you would feel if you knew how to change your mindset and make it work for you? No more victim mentality, people pleasing or relying on ways to numb the way you feel. I'm talking about the laundry, cooking, communicating and doing things you need to do, no longer sounding like a bad thing in your thoughts! You could actually feel energized, productive and worthy. You can change before anything or anyone else does.
An understanding and freedom of the impactful life experiences that have shaped who you believe you are and the mindset you have.
Have you ever said "What's wrong with me?" Well, there is nothing wrong with you. Hard and impactful things have happened to you. When you shame yourself like that and you believe there is something wrong with you, then your mind has made it incredibly difficult to find understandings and solutions. I teach you how to stop that whole cycle and pursue a path of healing. This is a skill you will use for a lifetime and teach to your children! -
A road map to overcoming the shame you feel.
We are going to heal your shame and create understanding so you can build your shame resilience and strengthen your self-forgiveness and self-love moving forward. -
The skill set of self-forgiveness and self-love.
It's okay to forgive yourself first and I am going to give you the step by step instructions to do so. Next time your mind wanders to the negative place, you will be able to gently guide it back with love and grace. You will know exactly how to overcome circumstances in a way that aligns with who you want to be. -
Additional tools of journaling and boundaries.
Once you know who you are and have a mindset that supports you, you are going to need tools to better navigate daily life. My journaling technique will teach you how to reaffirm your identity whenever you need it (preferably daily) and how to set, keep and protect strong healthy boundaries with yourself and others.
It's time to truly love who you are and the life you live.
If you had asked me before I met Tessa who I was I would have replied "a mom, coach and wife".. right when I began her coaching program I got pregnant with my second child. I was so unsure on if I should even continue her program or not but I am so undeniably glad that I did. I started this program thinking I knew exactly what it was I wanted her to fix. I wanted to tell her all of the issues I had and have her miraculously tell me that I was right in feeling the way I did. Turns out Tessa has this beautiful way of "righting" your mind.
I truly thought some of my problems were other people's fault but with different affirmations, self love, understanding my limiting beliefs and intuitive eating she changed the way I thought of myself and other people forever. At the time my physical appearance did not change but the way I saw myself did. I looked in the mirror and saw a beautiful nurturing mother, a strong understanding wife. I saw a homemaker, I saw everything I always wanted but didn't think I'd have. I truly saw ME. I will always and forever be grateful for Tessa.
Taking a leap of faith and trusting her changed my life forever I have never been in more control of me and how I feel. I have since lost 70 pounds! Not through any diet- but through self love.
There is no better person in this world to help you rediscover your true worth.
Shay Pitt

Oh where to even begin with the many ways that Tessa’s coaching program has benefited my life?!
When I first started with Tessa, I was in a dark place. I was constantly wondering and worrying about what my family, friends, and even perfect strangers thought about me. I lacked self confidence, I would lash out, and I couldn’t seem to put a stop to the anxiety I struggled with. When I started with Tessa is when I realized through her program that all of those struggles were simply choices I was making. I was CHOOSING to let other people’s opinions about my parenting, my self image and personality and over-all being, matter enough to me that I did not appreciate the person God created me to be. I also strived so much for perfection and control to compensate for the anxiety of others opinions, and that in itself was exhausting.
I have come to learn through Tessa’s program that life and motherhood have so much more to offer if we just look for it. Through her coaching, I was able to break free from the obstacles that weighed me down. I put into practice new thoughts and prayers for myself, I’ve become much more mindful of my mindset, I’ve recognized areas of my life that need boundaries—and I’ve also learned that boundaries are respectful to all parties involved! Tessa has guided me in creating healthy habits, thoughts and actions. I have gained a new sense of self confidence because I now understand why I used to feel the way I felt, and I’ve learned how to manage myself in a positive and healthy way. I’ve learned how to truly forgive myself and others. Shaming and numbing are no longer activities that I engage in, and that is a gift! Tessa is a God send! I look forward to using the tools that I’ve learned from Tessa everyday, and I have started to see challenges as learning opportunities instead of obstacles. If you’re looking for a sign to invest in the body and soul God gave you, here it is. I am so grateful I decided to make that choice.
-Natalie Wheeler

I started the MBA course over a year ago now when I was dealing with what I throughout was ppa after my second daughter. It was within the first week of completing the material that I already knew that it was so much deeper than that. I noticed that I had no idea who I was. Attributed all the things I did, to who I was. I am much more that a mother, housewife and daughter. I have learned that I am kind, compassionate, determined and intentional. This is my identity. My mindset is what drives my identity daily. I like to say that my mindset is what keeps me striving for all things that I believe about myself. Before MBA, I knew who I wanted my girls to see but I had past words and ideals telling me I was not that person. Now, I am that person for me. I am my own best friend because I have grown to be that. Tessa took me through skill after skill and gave me access to the ever needing change in my mindset. My identity is my steady constant. My mindset is a daily encouraging voice that allows me to be who I already know I am. Motherhood is so very hard. I was making it harder. Today I make it enjoyable. Every mundane task is one I look forward to. If you are even thinking about going through MBA, do it. It has saved my life and this is no understatement.
-Katie Ellenberger
New Years Enrollment 2023
What’s Inside Mind Body Alignment
Module 1
Module Description: This is where we understand not only who you believe you are today, but also who you want to be. Inside the identity module you will understand how identity steers mindset and how your actions follow. Creating a new identity and fully healing the past belief of who you are is the absolute foundation that our work stands on.
Module Highlights:
- Identity: Who are you?
- Why: What is driving you to make these changes?
- A Letter to Me: Speaking to your future self.
Module 2
Module Description: This module is designed to overhaul your current thoughts and perspective. We are diving deep into experiences that have shaped you and multiple tools you can use to write a new story in your mind. This is your chance to finally change the negative mindset and create something beautiful.
Module Highlights:
- Life Experiences: What experiences is your mind using to make predictions?
- Expectations: Are your own expectations of yourself and others becoming a source of frustration?
- Limiting Beliefs: What are the thoughts keeping you in a place of feeling stuck and lost and how you are going to change them.
- Tools: Tools, tools, and more tools! All of the ways I have personally discovered and learned to hack your mindset and change your perspective.
Module 3
How much of your identity and mindset is attacking yourself- shame driven? Shame is a huge factor and road block in being and becoming who you want to be with a positive mindset, which is why we dive right in to healing your shame and building shame resilience for the future.
Module Highlights:
- Shame from yourself: What are you ashamed of and how do we work through it instead of running from it.
- Shame from others: What has happened to you that causes you to question your own self-worth? This is where you put down the baggage given to you from others and shift to an empathetic view.
- Triggers and Numbing: What brings up emotions that are difficult to handle and how do you try to escape them. No more shaming yourself or escaping- you will have a new road map.
Module 4
Now that you know who you are and you've started the journey of understanding your shame so you can heal it, you can begin actually loving yourself. We will focus on using self-forgiveness as the tool for deeper healing and letting go and building your self-love through tools like love languages, self-care and affirmations.
Module Highlights:
- Self-Forgiveness: Truly forgiving the past decisions you have made and how you've treated yourself because of what has happened to you.
- Empathy for Others: My job is to teach you how to forgive yourself and with that will come a softer heart to release anger and resentment towards others and eventually turn into forgiveness for them, when you are ready. Forgiving others sets you free and I know how hard that can feel.
- Self-Love: What it means and how to actually love yourself for who you are.
- Tools: What to do when you feel triggered and consciously decide not to numb as well as strengthening your self-love on a daily basis.
Module 5
This is where I teach you additional tools to live your life in alignment with who you want to be and protect your good head space.
Module Highlights:
- Alignment Journaling Course: A beautiful new practice of my unique journaling strategy to reaffirm your identity and work through hardship without getting stuck in it.
- Boundaries: Protect yourself and respect others with the art of boundaries completely broken down for you to follow.
Module 6
You've made it to the end of the program and it is time to do so reflecting to see just how far you have gotten yourself on your journey of self-discovery and healing. Where did you start and where are you now?
Module Highlights:
- Reflecting on identity and mindset.
- Reflecting on shame and self-love.
- Reflecting on the tools you have learned.
When you enroll during this special, limited time period,
you’ll get:
Mind Body Alignment 12 Week Coaching Program
(A $2997 Value)
6 Modules
Coaching you through identity, mindset, shame, self-love, tools and reflection
2 Live Weekly Coaching Sessions
This is your chance to get live coaching with Tessa, ask questions and connect with the community in shared vulnerability and healing. All live sessions are recorded and stored for lifetime access!
38 Powerful Lessons
Delivered over the 12 week period in the form of video modules and pdf material to work through.
A road map and coaching to guide you though
Making it possible for you to go on a guided in-depth journey of becoming who you want to be with a positive mindset that supports you! -
Community and Support
You are not alone on this journey! Join the Private Facebook Community for daily connection. Between the weekly video coaching lessons, pdf road maps, multiple live coaching videos each week and answers to your burning questions as you progress- we've got you! -
Lifetime Access
Your work of becoming and healing is never done- which is exciting! You can refer back to and repeat the course as often as you'd like to dig deeper and continue challenging the parts of you that no longer align with who you want to be.
Plus These Bonuses to Help You Feel Supported and Accountable!
Bonus 1
Private Student Only Facebook Group
It is important to have community and support during your self-healing and discovery journey. This positive community is filled with like minded women wanting to grow with you as well as in-depth coaching to guide you.
(A $750 Value)
What You’ll Get:
- 12 Weeks of unlimited access to the Community.
- 2 One Hour LIVE (available for replay) Coaching sessions with Tessa every week to discuss material and answer questions.
- Options to interact with other like minded women and ask your questions anonymously or publicly.
Bonus 2
I partnered with my dear friend Andrea Fausett to bring you the most effective and professional fitness app geared towards women wanting to reach any physical heal goal. Andrea is a firm believer in mindset work and together we have your mind and body covered in the most holistic approach to total health available.
(A $360 Value)
What You’ll Get:
- At home or Gym based workouts tailored to you!
- Video demonstrations of exercises so you know exactly what and how to do it!
- Optional help with nutrition using Macros to teach you what to eat and how to properly fuel your body to meet your goals!
- Access to the 6 week January Challenge inside of MAMELE
Bonus 3
Bonus Mindset Module
I designed this bonus module so you can override your mindset and negative thoughts before diving into Mind Body Alignment. I want you to know exactly how you can swap your thoughts while working on your self-discovery and healing journey! This module will walk you through step-by-step.
(A $285 Value)
What You’ll Get:
- 4 Lessons covering Language, Experiences, Limiting Beliefs and Positive Affirmations
- 5 Video Modules
- 4 pdf. Coaching Documents
Bonus 4
First time ever CHALLENGE!
For the first time ever I am increasing the incentive to stay involved and accountable throughout our 12 week course together. I will be selecting one winner to receive an all expense paid weekend coaching experience with me! Your flights, lodging, food, activities, coaching... all included in this once in a lifetime experience. All you have to do is show up each week for the twelve weeks to be entered into this challenge.
What You’ll Get:
- Unforgettable and unmatched weekend coaching experience with Tessa Romero
- Flights, lodging, food, activities... all included!
- 1:1 in person Coaching to truly shake up and release what has been holding you back.
Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:
Mind Body Alignment 12 Week Course- $2997 Value
- Private 12 Week Coaching Facebook Group AND Live Coaching Sessions - $1,920 Value
- MAMELE App with Andrea Fausett - $360 Value
- Bonus Mindset Module - $285
- CHALLENGE entrance for Weekend Coaching Experience- PRICELESS
Total Bonus Value: $2,565 & Priceless experience
When you add it all up, that’s a value of $5,562
But when you enroll today you’ll get access to everything for just:
Mind Body Alignment Course Guarantee

I am confident that by the end of our twelve weeks of coaching together you will know who you are with the skills and tools to build a mindset that supports you.
You will have the entire twelve week road map to coach you through each key module and lesson needed to embark on this journey of self-discover and self-healing.
By the end of our twelve weeks together you will have the skills and tools to feel a sense of lightness and acceptance of your past, accompanied by self-worth and excitement for your future to continue becoming who you want to be.
If you are unhappy with your coaching experience in the first 30 days and you can show me you have put in the work of going through the weekly lesson plans, coaching videos and additional support through the private Facebook Community available to you to meet the money back guarantee requirements, then you can request a refund and I will give you your money back!
You would just send me an email, show me the work you have done and we can agree on the refund! It's that simple! I am confident that if you meet me half way, then we can work together to strengthen your skills and tools to become who you want to be with a mindset that supports you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What people asked before signing up for Mind Body Alignment.
Will I be able to open up and get vulnerable with myself?
How do I know if this is right for me?
Do I really control my mindset?
Should I choose Coaching or Therapy?
What is coaching like in Mind Body Alignment?
Do I have lifetime access and updates included?
What is the refund policy like?
What is included when I enroll today?
Become who you know you are mean to be
Still thinking about it?
Mind Body Alignment is perfect for you IF...
- You have lost the inner connection of the relationship with yourself.
- You struggle with a victim mentality and feel it damaging your relationships and tainting your daily experiences.
- You are ready to overcome people-pleasing and perfectionist tendencies.
- You want someone with the real life experience to share exactly how to heal into who you want to be.
- You want to take full ownership for yourself.
- You want to build and protect your own empowered head space.
- You are feeling called to go on a healing journey that strengthens your self-love and empathy for others.
- You are searching for a step-by-step road map to know who you are and build a mindset that supports you.
- You are ready to take back your time wasted on numbing activities like social media so you can pour that time into yourself and those that you love.
- You are questioning your self-worth and abilities to be who you want to be.
- You feel excited to understand yourself and why you do what you do and create sustainable change.
- You are ready to feel empowered in a positive community of coaching, connection and guidance.

I am thrilled to coach you through Mind Body Alignment
I know what it is like to feel intense anger just by someones name being said. To have shame shrink you down so small that you no longer see the good in yourself. To attach your identity and self-worth to what has happened to you throughout your life. I know those feelings because I have been through it, too.
I created Mind Body Alignment after going through my own very messy, intense and long healing journey to learn everything that I have put into this course for you. What started as a workout community for women turned into me learning that I wasn't alone in all of the things I used to struggle with- a negative mindset, blaming others for who I was and feeling weighed down by my own thoughts. Once I understood I wasn't alone, I created THIS program to help you and hundreds of other women dive into their own journey of healing and self-discovery.
These are all of the skills and tools I have had to learn on my own to take back my life and be who I want to be. I am committed to taking your hand and walking with you through your own similar journey of releasing what no longer serves you in your mind and heart, and picking up what you truly need and desire to be.
If you don't know who you are and you notice your mind catching every negative part of your daily life and yourself- this program is for you.
No more shaming yourself, over-identifying with thoughts and feelings, or abandoning the authentic version of you.
I want you to feel safe and confident in your decision (and most of all feel excited) which is why I offer our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
What do you have to lose?
Imagine how much you have to gain with this clarity, direction and coaching with me.
Take this chance on you, you are the person that has been with you since day one and you deserve this opportunity of healing and growth.
All my best, Tessa Romero