$1,497.00 USD

Disclaimer: The information provided in this course is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be substituted for professional medical advice.

Effective Date: November 1, 2021

I understand that Mind Body Alignment and Tessa Romero do not replace the valuable help of seeking out a mental health professional and the information provided in this course is for education and development purposes only and will not be used a medical advice.

It is illegal to copy, share or distribute Mind Body Alignment course work pdfs, video modules and material within the course. All course material is for the individual personal use of each client to work on themselves.

If you love Mind Body Alignment please recommend the course to your friends and family without distributing the course material.


As noted above, the total Fees for the Course are as follows: $1497 (one thousand four hundred ninety seven US dollars).

The entirety of the Fees are due and payable upon your registration in the Course. A payment plan or discount code may be offered by the course administrator. 

MBA Spring 2024 Full Payment

Coaching dates are April 1- June 22, 2024

This is the last group coaching session with Tessa of 2024! This coaching includes all new course materials in Tessa's signature course Mind Body Alignment. 

You  have reached the last step to confirm YOUR spot with me!

What you'll get:

  • 90 Minute Coaching Session Once Weekly With Tessa Romero via Zoom and Saved for Replay
  • NEW 12 Week Mind Body Alignment Course Delivered to You One Module at a Time. (lifetime access!)
  • Private Facebook Coaching Community for 12 Weeks of live coaching and interaction
  • Additional Support in the Facebook Group From a Certified Coach and Tessa Romero, so you can ask questions and get support all week long
  • Immediate Access to the Bonuses for students
  • 5 Modules covering your Identity, Mindset, Shame, Self-Love and  Tools
  • Over 38 NEW Lessons to walk you through the modules building your roadmap
  • NEW Downloadable pdf material for guided journaling exercises with each lesson
  • Weekly 1:1 coaching in the group sessions with Tessa Romero
  • Twice Monthly Live Breathwork Session with Tiffany Florio to help you regulate your nervous system and release stored emotions.
  • Additional daily support from Tessa and the trust certified MOMSET Coaches
  • Additional Student Bonuses
  • Feel lighter, brighter and like the real YOU again. 

This program is intended for personal development and self help categories and is not designed to replace advice from a medical health professional or replace the valuable work found in speaking with a mental health professional.

What People Are Saying:

This course has been life changing. It taught me to listen to my feeling and question them in a way to figure out why I was thinking and doing the way I was. It opened my eye to my victim mentality and how to overcome it. It changed my mindset on many things and people. It improved my relationship with my husband, my mother and most importantly, myself. I learned to love myself and that I am worth it. Thank you Tessa


I signed up for Mind Body Alignment hoping it would be the "missing piece" in my healing journey. What I didn't expect, was to uncover so many pieces I was missing and then to be given the tools through Mind Body Alignment to heal each of them. This community is a gift and it's been great to learn from other's vulnerability. I'm so grateful to Tessa who believed in herself, which led to her believing in us, which led to us believing in us.


I have seen change rooted so deeply from this course and patterns of control, blaming, and criticism that have marked my personality in the past are changing. I have entered into a community that feels safe and encouraging in a way that truly serves what I’m capable of instead of leaving me stuck and bitter or entitled. I’m confident that I can be the wife and mom I want to be no matter the circumstances. My husband, kids, and myself were very sick for the last 2 weeks of the program and I saw myself reacting to a hard situation differently without thinking about it— I was thankful and trusting our bodies, looking for what I was learning about myself and our family, trusting of my husband’s ability to care for the kids alone, and asking for what I needed instead of being mad I wasn’t getting it. I even talk with someone every day from MBA and we are going to be meeting this month!!!


I walked into MBA with shame, deep hurt, trauma, and questioning my worth. I walked out of MBA an empowered, strong, secure woman who knows who I am and that I am healing. It was the single best investment I ever made - the investment into my health and empowerment.


Tessa speaks her beautiful truth & shows us all the way. She shows us what we are capable of and provides the roadmap of how to get there, we just need to sketch the way ourselves. I have found my confident, beautiful, joyful, vibrant self and I am holding onto to her so tight. Tessa’s knowledge, passion, love and courage shine through her effortlessly and shines a light on all of us. With this course, I have saved myself, for me, my son and my husband. But Tessa showed me the way.


Amazing guided self discovery and coaching of past trauma I didn’t even know I had, how to become the best version of me I have always dreamed of being, how to elongate what no longer serves me, build boundaries and reconnect with my loved ones. Truly an amazing, deep, hard and very worthy journey. This course literally saved my marriage and gave me so much more I didn’t know I needed. And it’s not just 12 weeks, I have these tools to apply to everyday of my life going forward! Thanks Tessa.


This isn't my first group coaching program but it was the first I was blown away by the coach's knowledge. Tessa is incredibly smart and such a good coach. I'll admit I was a little skeptical going into it since I only knew of her through 30 second reels but her knowledge is incredible. I catch her in my head all day long. She has a gift of being able to take a concept and breaking it down in a way that is easy to understand.


Tessa is an absolute angel on earth. This course has helped me identify triggers, shame, and numbing I didn't even know existed. I've become a better mom, and am more capable of slowing down for my kids now instead of always being in a rush. Tessa is working miracles!


Mind body is a freeing experience. I have been flourishing since starting the course and am a mom I could only once dream of! Tessa does a great job of easing you into deep end where it’s YOU; You are your biggest obstacle. Once there, the weight is lifted and you blossom.


This course has been radical and life changing for me. The content was easily consumed and made sense. The fellowship with the other women and the Facebook group was helpful. Tessa is absolutely walking in her calling by lifting up and supporting women through this.


There will never be enough words to express how truly grateful I am for this course. It COMPLETELY changed my life in 12 weeks! I feel like the calm, confident mama I've always wanted to be to my girls and know that I can handle absolutely anything that comes my way! I will forever be thankful for the tools Tessa has given me to work through any hard things that arise in my life. Through Tessa and Kelsey's (along with Jesus:)) work, I have healed 20 years worth of trauma that was unknowingly stored in my body and that right there is worth all the money in the world for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Life-changing. This course has given me the tools and the confidence to show up as the mother I have always strived to be. There was a piece missing in my life and I found it in this course. Tessa is an absolutely amazing coach, and friend. She’s passionate and driven to help change the narrative in motherhood and to bless coming generations. Words can’t describe what I took from this course. Every women needs to be part of it!


I don't even know how to put this experience into words. I went into MBA thinking I would learn a few new tools or different perspectives on how to live a happier more fulfilled life but this was so much more than that. I learned so much about myself and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. I am so grateful to Tessa for the amazing tools she shared with us and also for the community. This was such a sacred, safe space for me throughout the 12 week journey!


The course has helped me grow into a better version of myself. I’m thankful to have invested in myself. I love that I have access to the course materials and 1:1 zoom calls. I know this course has better served me and my family.


It went by so fast! The content is amazing and can be applied to anyone at any point in their life. The examples and personal testimony always felt they were made for my soul and I never felt lost or in the wrong place.


Going into MBA I had this desire of a radical 12-week transformation, and what I ultimately experienced feels so much more profound. While I do feel different than I did 12 weeks ago, what’s changed the most is being able to meet and love myself right where I am at. Now having the actual skills and tools to do so, I feel so much more equipped for the long run in the journey of healing and growing. I’m thrilled about the last 12 weeks AND for what’s to come!


I loved my whole experience in the MBA course. For me, the course was pretty intense and immersive, which was perfect for the kind of growth I was looking for. I’ve really improved my relationship with myself and my belief in myself, which is exactly what I wanted. I’ve gained so many skills and new perspectives and I feel ready to take on my next adventure (twins!) because I know I can handle whatever comes.


This course has changed my whole life! I am better at showing up as the mom I want to be and the yelling has stopped in my house. My mindset has also changed so much and it's a lot easier for me to catch myself and correct in difficult moments. I feel so much more confident in myself and am a lot happier person in general. I am so much more productive and am really loving life right now.


Mind Body Alignment has been a part of my life for over two years now, and I can honestly say that the work I’ve done during the program has changed the way that I think about and experience my life on a daily basis. Not only have the exercises and tools helped me start the path of healing from my past and get to know who I truly am, they enable me to be my best self in the present and feel empowered about my future. Tessa is intuitive, sensitive, and so clear-thinking. She is able to see through to the heart of the matter and kindly but firmly challenge me to grow in my mindset and actions. I’ll forever be grateful to have found her program, and I plan to continue working with her as much as I am able.


MBA is the ultimate introspective toolbox. It is the light that I needed and used to shine on the dark places of my heart and soul that needed healing. Tessa helped coach and guide me on a remarkable journey of self discovery and I am walking away feeling more in love with my life than I ever thought was possible. The vulnerability, acceptance, connection and safety within the MBA community is like nothing I have ever experienced before and I am honoured to have been a part of it. This course knocked my socks off; it was hard, emotional, freeing, and encouraging all tied together in this wonderful magic toolbox. I have changed my life and there is no turning back.


I have loved working through the MBA material and coaching with Tessa for the past 12 weeks! Coming into the course, I knew I needed that extra push and accountability to show up consistently as the mom, wife, daughter, etc. that I wanted to be. Now 12 weeks later, it is no longer a “want”.. I am there! Embodying who I want to be; present, intentional, warm, playful, creative. I have built systems to make my & my families life flow much easier. There is so much goodness on the coaching calls. My favorite modules were unexpected; boundaries & victim mentality/the empowered mindset. I am so excited to continue building upon this solid foundation & evolving more.


I felt like I hit rock bottom when I found Tessa. Fast forward a year, and I decided I needed this course. I see the value here and I can’t wait to go back through it. I do think I could have gotten more out of the live calls by being able to make more and staying more consistent in the course work. I am eager to implement this into daily life and problem solving how it fits. The tools here are gold and I know I can be who I envision with them.


Tessa Romeros Mind Body Alignment course is pure GOLD!! Not only has it changed my life, it's changed my husbands and my KIDS lives. Am I now cool, calm and collected 100% of the time? NO! but can I unpack the frick out of what's happened and why?...YES!!! And that means I can heal my hurt and that has been the most incredible gift of all from this course ❤️


Tessa, this course is life changing. The empowerment i gained is priceless and i am forever grateful that i listened to myself and noy my bully and took this course.


It was an absolute pleasure working with Tessa. Her knowledge and commitment to every single person meant you felt well cared for. The course content itself was wonderful and truly helped me to go deeper and heal. I’m excited to have these resources on hand and go back when needed. It was the perfect time and I am so proud of the changes I have seen in myself.


My experience with MBA was phenomenal. It was a deep dive in self discovery that uncovered so many more layers than I ever expected! This course is so much more thorough than I ever expected!! It is intense at times but that's to be expected and such amazing healing comes from doing the 'deep dives'! The community Tessa has created is such a strong point for this course too as it really helps knowing there are others doing the good work at the same time as you. Expect to build life long friendships and learn practical life tools to apply every day that will help you, your marriage and your relationship with literally everyone! The breath work is such a gift too and can really help to heal past traumas and to let go of things that no longer serve you! I am sooo grateful for this experience!! Thank you soooo much Tessa!!! I love you x Infinity and am beyond grateful for this opportunity!!! Xoxoxox


I absolutely loved the course, an incredible amount of material was provided in addition to the time you took in the coaching sessions. I really felt like I could take so much away from each coaching call, questions related to me that I would not have asked and allowed me to gain more insight on how I want to approach situations at work or with family members. Tessa you are so encouraging which I (and I’m sure other women needed) when I missed a few calls or fell behind in the course you made me feel safe to jump back in and not just give up on myself. I love Tessa’s enthusiasm and energy you can feel her love.


This was my second time through MBA and I decided to invest in myself once again and really focus on the individual modules and lessons I felt needed more attention from myself. The new lesson of the victim mentality helped me find my own empowerment. I had the privilege to hear and be witness to so many profound self-discoveries from women of all backgrounds and many parts of the world. Through the coursework and listening to the live coaching sessions, I was able to unlock the hidden places within myself that needed healing and love. The work is tough and the messy middle is real and the gratitude and growth is worth it. Every session had an “aha moment” for me that I will forever be grateful for that. Tessa is a phenomenal coach and has been there for everyone when they needed her. She teaches and guides you to look within yourself for healing and growth. The coursework itself is very accessible, through printable PDFs, easy to follow, and the live sessions are recorded and saved for future viewing needs. I am tremendously grateful for Tessa, the women in the course community, and the opportunity to further my skills in living as the person I truly want to be.


I have struggled with confronting conflict as long as I can remember. During the course I experienced tough circumstances of conflict that would have wrecked me mentally and I would not have been able to handle it well at all. During these to circumstances I was able to actually confront them and set the boundaries I needed to set. It felt good to have this confidence in a tough situation and to be able to handle them in a way that I want to align with!


This class saved me also! I started wanting to disappear and I left feeling empowered and that I could literally change the world. I want this in every home!!


Tessa is amazing! The work she is doing is transformational. This course helped me show up for myself and grow immensely. I feel so grateful to have found Tessa and MBA.


When I found Tessa’s program I was lost. I didn’t know who I was, who I wanted to be or how to get there. I had no idea the years of behavior that had to be unlocked and healed. This course gave me tools to take back my power. I still have work to do but my mindset and relationships are more positive. I am expressing myself, loving myself and becoming the person I want to be.


MBA was great! I learned so many things about the way I think that I didn’t even realize and I now have the tools to support myself!
